Yes, you can get a Visa on Arrival, or also a Pre-Arrival Visa depending on the purpose of your activity and your nationality
Just show us your return ticket and prepare a Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate that is registered on the Peduli Lindungi Application
Visa on Arrival is valid for 30 days of Stay Indonesia, while a Business Visa is valid for 60 days and can be extended for up to 6 months for staying in Indonesia.
A business visa can be submitted online through the website https://visa-online.imigration.go.id/, but you must have a sponsor/guarantor to be able to get the Visa
Yes, Stay Indonesia can be a sponsor / guarantor for getting a visa
You can apply for a residence permit (KITAS) according to your activities in Indonesia
Yes of course, our work area covers the whole of Indonesia
Yes, we helped many of our clients set up business in Indonesia, and get all the necessary permits