Business Visa You Need Know

In Indonesia itself there are many businesses that can be built by everyone. And if you want to do business in Indonesia, even though you are a foreigner, you can use a business visa.

What is a Business Visa?

Business Visa is a visit visa. In this case the business visa is intended for foreign countries who wish to plan to carry out business activities in Indonesia. An Indonesian business visa grants permission to foreign entrepreneurs to be able to enter Indonesian territory for the purpose of short-term business visits and studying the market.

A business visa in Indonesia gives permission to foreign nationals to visit and carry out business activities such as conducting business negotiations, participating in seminars or conferences, signing business contracts, and carrying out other business activities.

However, business visa holders cannot carry out activities that generate money or other compensation, in the sense that a business visa is not a permit to be able to work and cannot be used to find work and accept job offers because there are still several requirements that must be met in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia.

To be able to get a business visa in Indonesia, a sponsorship letter is also needed so that this visa is approved. And Stay Indonesia can be your sponsor so that your visa can be approved!

For more information, you can contact Stay Indonesia via Whatsapp and also DM on Instagram!


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